
Dull Micronetworking™ technology

Welcome to a more seamless and secure networking world. Dull runs on a patent-pending Micronetworking™ technology which enables you to link people and systems across organisations using direct encrypted connections without VPNs or Gateways.

There are two core parts to the Micronetworking™ technology. The Connector Agents and the Realm Manager Controller.

The Connector Agent is the software which enables your employees, contractors and technicians to seamlessly connect to your internal services.

The Realm Manager is the dashboard and control panel for your secure networking profile. With the Realm Manager you can setup access for devices, services and network passages. You can also monitor and audit the connections between the nodes you have setup.

This documentation will guide you through the process of setting up the Realm Manager and getting your Micronetwork™ running.

Last updated