Connector Agent - Ubuntu


  • A machine running Ubuntu 20.10

  • Install the latest feature and security updates.

    • sudo apt update

    • sudo apt upgrade

  • Install Dependencies

    • sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python-six sqlite3

Ubuntu Downloads


Follow the steps below to install the Dull Connector Agent to a Ubuntu device:

1. Click Devices in the menu.

2. Before you install it, you need the link file. In Realm Manager, click Devices in the menu.

3. Select the device that you want to install the agent on.

4. Click the Download button under Connector Agent to download the installer script, in this example arctic-copper-mine-realm-barry-allen-computer-vision-digger-d3-t20221201-150520.connector-link.

5. Copy both the link File and the installer to the device that you want to install the Connector agent on.

The installer script is unique for each device. Make sure you download an installer script for each device you want to install the Connector Agent on

6. Add an execute permission to the installer by executing this command:

sudo chmod +x

7. Execute the installer. The installer required sudo sudo ./

8. Read and accept the terms in the license Agreement. Press Enter to continue:

9. You will specify the location of the dull connector link file, Input the Link File that you have downloaded from the device's details page earlier. Press Enter to continue:

10. Type Y and Press Enter to continue and finish the installation.

11. To confirm if the Connector Agent was installed and is already running, execute this command

Systemctl status dull 12. If the connector agent is not yet running, execute this command. sudo systemctl start dull

13. Return to devices page and see if the device is connected.

This command is based on system as its unit system and system manager.

Last updated